Personal qualities and values

The school believes that the education process extends far beyond the purely academic.
The acquisition of personal qualities and values must be an integral part of this process.
Qualities of honesty, kindness and respect are constantly encouraged. Pupils are expected to be fair, polite, thoughtful and cooperative.
Primary Department
The Primary Department follows the “Primary National Strategy -Excellence and Enjoyment: Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning” (SEAL), to ensure that every child develops skills in the following areas:
- Emotional wellbeing
- Developing respect for others
- Social skills
- A positive disposition to learn
- Communication skills
This approach is cross-curricular and fully integrated into all aspects of the Primary curriculum.
Secondary Department
In the Secondary Department, all students follow a personal, social and health education programme (PSHE). This programme deals with the many real issues young people face as they grow up and gives them the knowledge and skills to lead healthy and responsible lives as confident individuals and members of society. Students also have a weekly tutorial during which they continue the work commenced in the primary SEAL programme.