Curriculum objectives

The school’s curriculum is designed to:

  1. Be broad, relevant and challenging
  2. Equip students with the confidence, skills, knowledge and qualifications to meet the challenges of the world beyond school
  3. Encourage intellectual inquisitiveness
  4. Extend beyond the classroom door
  5. Maximise opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning.

Spanish equivalents

Year map & Spanish equivalents

 AgeYearSpanish Equivalent
3/4The Foundation StageNursery1º Educación infantil
4/5Reception2º Educación infantil
5/6Key Stage 1Year 13º Educación infantil
6/7Year 21º Primaria
7/8Key Stage 2Year 32º Primaria
8/9Year 43º Primaria
9/10Year 54º Primaria
10/11Year 65º Primaria
11/12Key Stage 3Year 76º Primaria
12/13Year 81º ESO
13/14Year 92º ESO
14/15Key Stage 4Year 103º ESO
15/16Year 114º ESO
16/17Sixth FormYear 121º Bachillerato
17/18Year 132º Bachillerato


Primary Department

As in most primary schools a proportion of the timetable includes cross curricular themes that link one or more subjects. For this reason, the timetable is not rigidly compartmentalised since projects may cover several areas.

The school curriculum continually evolves as it is updated, refined or improved on by amendments to the English National Curriculum. Curriculum summaries for each year group are issued at the introductory meetings at the beginning of the year and are available on request.

Levels Years Ages Spanish Equivalent
The Foundation Stage Nursery and Reception 3-5 1st and 2nd of Ed. Infantil
Key Stage 1 Y1 - Y2 5-7 3rd of Ed. Infantil and 1st of Primaria
Key Stage 2 Y3 - Y6 7-11 2nd to 5th of Primaria


The Foundation Stage

The Nursery and Reception classes form part of what is known as “The Foundation Stage” during which children learn through play and begin to develop skills they will need for future learning. They are making sense of the world and dealing with the challenges and experiences that life brings them.

The Foundation Stage has seven learning areas:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive Arts and Design


Key Stage 1

At this stage children are taught the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • PHSE & Citizenship/SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
  • Art/Design and Technology
  • ICT and Computing
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Spanish Studies
  • Catalan (Y2 only)
  • Chinese


Key Stage 2

At this stage children are taught the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Geography/Environmental Studies
  • History
  • PHSE & Citizenship/SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
  • Art/Design and Technology
  • Computing
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Spanish Studies
  • Catalan



Secondary Department

As in the Primary Department, the curriculum is updated, refined or improved on by amendments to the English National Curriculum.

LevelsYearsAgesSpanish Equivalent
Key Stage 3Y7 - Y911-146th of Primaria to 2nd ESO
Key Stage 4Y10 - Y1114-163rd and 4th ESO
6th FormY12 - Y1316-181st y 2nd Bachillerato

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 to 9, all students follow a common programme in a range of subjects which are indicated on the Curriculum table.

In order to facilitate a greater focus on individual strengths and weaknesses, all subjects are taught to groups comprising a maximum of 15 students.

  • Art
  • English Language & Literature
  • French / German
  • Geography
  • History
  • I.C.T and Computing
  • Mathematics
  • Performing Arts
  • Personal, Social & Health Education
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Spanish Language & Culture or Spanish Studies*
  • Tutorial

*Lengua Española, Sociales and Catalán

Key Stage 4

In Year 10 and 11, students follow a range of 6 compulsory subjects together with a further 2 subjects chosen from a range of options. In some cases, students are offered the possibility of taking additional subjects. The curriculum is designed to enable students to consider a variety of careers or further education placements. Subjects chosen at this stage are studied over a two year period leading to GCSE and IGCSE examinations which are taken with CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) and Pearson Edexcel.

At GCSE level all subject classes, except for physical education, are divided into two groups to allow early identification of individual strengths and weaknesses and to provide opportunities for establishing good personal relationships.

Curriculum Table 2017/2018

Compulsory Subjects

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
  • Spanish Language & English Literature or Spanish Studies*
  • Tutorial

*Lengua Española, Sociales and Catalán

Optional Subjects 

  • Art and Design
  • Computer Science / ICT
  • French
  • Geography
  • History


Sixth Form

In Years 12 and 13, students who have successfully completed GCSE courses can move on to intensive study at GCE ‘AS’ and ‘A’ level , as preparation for entry to university in Britain, Spain or other parts of the world. On average students take four to five subjects at this level.

Subjects available at GCE “AS” and “A” level

Science & TechnologyLanguage and LiteraureSocial SciencesOthers
BiologyEnglish LanguageBusiness StudiesArt and Design
ChemistryEnglish LiteratureHistory 







Further Maths

Spanish Literature  

For timetabling purposes, these subjects are divided into groups, from which of each, students select one subject. Alongside the British curriculum, students with Spanish nationality or a sufficient level of attainment in the Spanish language, may study selected components of the official Spanish curriculum enabling them to obtain qualifications in both education systems.

The subjects available and the qualifications on offer at this level prepare students for higher education in both the UK and Spain. They may also obtain places at universities world wide provided they have sufficient command of the language of the country in question.

The school day

The school day commences at 08.50 although the school is open from 08.30. The end of the school day is staggered in the case of the Nursery, Reception and Year 1 classes (see schedule). For all other classes the day ends at 15.50 after which a wide range of extra curricular activities take place. All of these end at 17.00. The primary and secondary schedules differ in order to cater for curriculum demands and to allow for staggered breaks and lunch times.

Academic Calendar 2024-2025


Nursery-Reception Year 1- Year 2 Year 3 - Year 6 Secondary
08.50 – 10.20 – Class 08.50 – 10.30 – Class 8.50 - 11.15 -  Class 08.50 – 09.45 – Period 1
10.20 – 10.40 – Merienda 10.30 – 10.45 – Break 11.15 - 11.45 - Break 09.45 – 09.55 – Registration
10.45 – 11.00 – Break 10.45 – 11.00 – Merienda 11.45 - 2.00 - Class 09.55 – 10.50 – Period 2
11.00 – 12.00 – Class 11.00 - 12.30 – Class 2.00 - 3.00 Lunch 10.50 – 11.10 – Break
12.00 – 12.30 – Lunch 12.30 – 1.30 – Lunch 3.00 - 3.45 - Class 11.10 – 12.05 – Period 3
12.30 – 2.00 – Class 1.30 – 2.30 – Class 12.05 – 1.00 – Period 4
2.00 – 2.30 – Afternoon Play 2.30 – 2.45 – Break 1.00 – 2.00 – Lunch
2.30 – 3.30 – Class 2.45 – 3.45 – Class 2.00 – 2.55 – Period 5
2.55 – 3.50 – Period 6
Extra-curricular Activities
 4:00 - 5:00  4:00 - 5:00  4:00 - 5:00  4:00 - 5:00

International Acknowledgment


Thanks to our excellent record of external examination results, the majority of our students proceed to higher education. Destinations are mainly in the UK and Spain, and include such prestigious universities as Cambridge, Oxford and the London School of Economics.

Below you will find the examination board awards obtained by our students over the last eight years. 

Examination board prizes:



  • The highest mark in Spain for IGCSE Information  & Communication Technology


  • The highest mark in Spain for GCE A level German
  • The highest mark in the world for GCE A level Spanish
  • The highest mark in Spain for International GCSE Spanish
  • The highest mark in Spain for International GCSE German



  • The highest mark in Spain in GCSE German



  • The highest mark in Spain in Cambridge International GCS AS level Applied ICT
  •  The highest mark in Spain in Cambridge International GCS A Level Applied ICT


  • The highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE German.
  • The highest joint subject mark in Spain in GCSE Spanish
  •  The highest subject mark in Spain in GCE A Level Biology


  • Highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE Art & Design. 
  • Highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE Geography. 


  • Three joint highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE German. 
  • Highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE Art & Design.
  • Highest subject mark in Spain in GCSE A Level in Maths. 
  • Highest subject mark in the world in GCE A Level German. 
  • Highest subject mark in the world in GCE A Level Chemistry. 


  • Highest subject mark  in Spain in GCSE Art & Design.
  • Highest subject mark  in Spain in GCSE ICT
  • Highest subject mark  in Spain in GCSE French
  • Highest subject mark  in the world in GCE AS level in ICT.


  • Three Awards for Outstanding Performance in GCSE German
  • One Award for Outstanding Performance GCE  (A-level) Spanish


  • Edexcel Award to the best subject mark in GCE A Level in Spain in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish and and in AS Level Biology and Pure Mathematics. 


From Year 1 onwards homework is set, increasing in length and scope as a pupil progresses through the school. Through homework we are seeking to generate a variety of worthwhile learning experiences in support of those provided in school

Primary children are encouraged to read with or to their parents, depending on the level reached. Support at home undoubtedly contributes to a child’s success in this area. Children will also, at various stages, be asked to learn spellings or multiplication tables. Older children may be asked to complete unfinished work at home or undertake research or revision work for a subsequent lesson. In Year 6, pupils are tested on the core subjects and are given homework time to revise for these tests.

Homework gives secondary pupils practice in managing their own learning, fulfilling targets and meeting deadlines, thereby acquiring a sense of responsibility. Not all homework is in the form of written exercises. Learning, reading, researching and revising are also valuable activities.

To help pupils manage their homework, they are provided with homework diaries and these are checked regularly by class teachers and form tutors. This is an area where we depend on parents to give active help and encouragement

Exams and Reports

Assessment is carried out, not only to inform students and their teachers of how much and how well they have learned, but also to plan for future learning.

In the Primary Department, class teachers and subject specialists within the department carry out informed classroom observations and effective questioning to monitor what children can do and what they need to do next. Throughout the year work is carefully monitored against the National Curriculum objectives to determine where to pitch the teaching of specific aspects of the subject and to assess the progress children are making during lessons.

Assessment in the Early Years takes the form of an informal set of observations at various stages in the first two years; this is known as “Baseline Assessment”. In Key Stages 1 and 2 assessments take place regularly throughout each year. More formal tests take place in May to assess children’s reading ages (Y1-6) and levels in English and Mathematics (Y3-6). In Year 6 children are assessed in November and May in the core subjects of Literacy and Numeracy as well as in Science and topic work. These assessments are based on the National Curriculum SATs (Standard Assessment Tests).

In the Secondary Department, students’ work is assessed on a daily basis, through teacher observations and effective questioning in the classroom. Work carried out both in school and at home is corrected, marks are awarded and feedback is given. Frequent tests are set, usually at the end of a unit of work. All marks are recorded on an ongoing basis so that students may check on their progress and improvement. Throughout the year students are encouraged by both subject teachers and tutors to set themselves targets and then work hard to achieve these. At the end of each academic year, students take an examination in each subject.


External examination results

Entry to university or the workplace depends on various factors, the most important of which is examination results.

At school we are proud of our results’ record which have been improving year after year, enabling our students to take up places at some of the most prestigious universities worldwide. Please see "University Placements".


Last academic year we were delighted to obtain the following results at this level:

  • Subject entries graded “A” to “C”:                             92%
  • Students obtaining 5 or more GCSE passes:        100%
  • Subject entries awarded grade A* or A:                   65%
  • Subject entries awarded grade A*, A or B:              83%

Pass grades: “A” to “C”

Fail grades: “D” to “G”


Last academic year we were delighted to obtain the following results at this level:

GCE "AS" level     "A" level
Pass rate:94% 100%
Grade A:  35%A* & A: 49%
Grade A & B: 54%  A*, A & B:79%
Grades A-C: 69%A*-C:87%
Pass grades:A to E A* to E

Average number of “A” levels taken: 4.3  


In order to gain access to Spanish universities, students are required to take a specific Spanish examination (Selectividad). In the case of British schools in Spain, students may gain direct access to Spanish universities via GCE “A” level examinations. A mark equivalent to that of “Selectividad” is calculated based on GCE “A” level results.

This last year our average mark at “Selectividad” was 8.1 (Range of marks awarded 0 – 10. Pass mark 5)

University placements

After GCE “A” levels, the majority of our Sixth Formers proceed to higher education mainly in Spain and the U.K., some of them at such prestigious universities as Cambridge, Oxford and the London School of Economics. Over the past five years destinations and courses have included:


Bath Spa UniversityCiencias Medioambientales
Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC)Gestión de Empresas Internacionales
CEU San Pablo UniversidadArquitectura
City University, LondonEconomía Financiera / Gestión de Empresa
Durham UniversityAntropología / Ecomómicas
Edinburgh Napier UniversityMarketing y Empresariales / Gestión de Eventos y Festivales
ESADE, BarcelonaDerecho ADE / Administración de Empresas ADE
European Business School, LondonNegocios internacionales con Lenguas
Farnham CollegeBellas Artes
Goldsmiths, University of London)Sociología y ciencias políticas
ICADE, MadridDerecho y Administración de Empresas
IE SegoviaADE y Psicologia / Empresariales / Administración y Psicología
Imperial College LondonFísica Teórica / Ingeniería Mecánica
IQS, Ramón Llull, BarcelonaADE (Empresa y Gestión)
King’s College, University of LondonGestión de Empresa / Matemáticas con Gestión y Finanzas / Ingeniería Mecánica
Kingston UniversityProducción y Nueva Radiodifusión con Español / Criminología con Económicas
London School of Economics & Political Science, University of LondonRelaciones Internacionales e Historia
London South Bank UniversityInglés con Escritura creativa
Newcastle UniversityLengua Inglesa y Literatura
Nottingham Trent UniversityEmpresariales
Oxford UniversityQuímica
Oxford Brookes UniversityBiología Animal y Medio Ambiente / Bellas Artes / Gestión de Empresa
Middlesex UniversityDirección Internacional de Empresas y Mandarín
Queen Mary, University of LondonInglés y Derecho Europeo
Ramón Llull (Blanquerna)Publicidad y Comunicación Audiovisual
Royal Holloway, University of LondonFinanzas y Empresariales
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of LondonChino y Económicas
The Glasgow School of ArtDiseño de Interiores
The University of HuddersfieldGestión de Transporte aéreo y logística
The University of KentEconómicas y Empresariales
The University of ManchesterIngeniería Aeronautica / Bioquímica
The University of NottinghamGestión de Empresas con Chino
The University of SalfordMúsica Popular y Grabación
The University of SheffieldMedicina
Trinity University, TexasAdministración de Empresas
University College London, University of LondonEcomómicas (Programa Internacional) / Ingeniería Química / Ingeniería Civil / Geofísica
Universidad Antonio de LebrijaEuropean Business
Universidad de BarcelonaADE (Empresa y Gestión) / Bellas Artes
Universidad Illes BalearesPeriodismo
Universidad Complutense de MadridHistoria del Arte e Historia Biología
Universidad Politécnica, ValenciaIngeniería
Universidad San Pablo CeuAdministración y Gestión de Empresas
Universidad San Pablo, MadridDerecho con Relaciones Internacionales / Administración de Empresas y Turismo
Universitat Politécnica de CataluñaArquitectura
University of BathCiencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales
University of BedfordshireDirección de Deportes
University of BoltonPsicología Forense y Criminología
University of BristolFísicas
University of CambridgeIngeniería / Ciencias Naturales
University of ChesterComunicación Audiovisual
University of ExeterIngeniería Civil
University of GlasgowDerecho con Lengua Española
University of LeedsLengua Española y Portuguesa / Ecomómicas con Alemán / Ciencias de la Comunicación
University of LoughboroughEstudios Europeos
University of the West of ScotlandTecnología de Negocio
University of SouthamptonIngeniería Naval / Ingeniería Mecánica
University of SussexArte Dramático y Lengua
University of Washington, SeattleFísica
University of Westminster (London)Arquitectura
University of YorkCiencias Políticas

External Examinations

External examinations

External examinations are taken by students in Years 9 to 13.

  • At the end of Year 9, Cambridge International Checkpoint examinations in English, Maths and Science.
  • At the end of Year 10, GCSE English language and Maths at core level.
  • At the end of Year 11, all remaining subjects
  • At the end of Year 12, GCE “AS” modules in selected subjects.
  • At the end of Year 13, GCE “A” levels in selected subjects.